WMC has a three-tier organizational structure:
❖ Global Council (Global Team).
❖ Seven regional councils (America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, India, Far East, and Australia).
❖ Local units called Provincial Councils.
Global, regional and provincial councils have a cabinet responsible for the day to day affairs presided over by the president and an executive council, which is the legislative body and Electoral College responsible for policymaking and electing officers presided over by the chairman.
MEMBERSHIP in WMC is in the provincial councils. Each province serves as the body serving the local Malayalee community. WMC currently has 48 provinces covering 34 countries around the world.
INTERNATIONAL Forums of WMC also include the Youth and Women's forum in all provinces, which also have a three-tier structure.
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE of WMC has been registered with the government of India as the Indian Worldwide Chamber of Commerce. This body networks with Malayalee business individuals and entrepreneurs around the world. It helps Malayalee businesses to enhance their horizon and expand their business activities through mutual cooperation.
PUBLICATION of WMC is the World Malayalee Journal published by the global council quarterly.
WEB SITE of WMC – www.worldmalayalee.org provides information about the WMC- organization, bylaws, officials, activities, and other pertinent information.
GLOBAL OFFICE -WMC has a registered global office and Pravasi Service Centre in Thiruvananthapuram. WMC has constituted worldwide Regional and Provincial Councils with eminent Malayalees who have distinguished themselves nationally and internationally.